People say things online that they wouldn't dream of saying in life.
Sometimes I admire that kind of cowardice, because I often get into
some kind of trouble for voicing my opinions, and pointing out all
of the logic and facts that back me up.
I can make a very reasonable argument when I'm backed into a corner.
However, if I - for some reason - feel myself losing, I'll default to
common human nature and use cheap language and irrational points to
win an argument.
It's always a very..
I'm right, you're wrong, kind of thing.
I don't argue with everyone, I let a lot slide to be honest. Let's face it,
I kind of have to. There are arguments worth winning, and others that
aren't worth my time.. Well, a lot that aren't worth my time.
Politics, religion, morality, it's all very fickle.
From a more or less.. outside point of view, I must point out
that there's more grey in the foreground than any of us would
like to admit. The notion that everything is completely black
and white, while ideal, is foolish. Completely stupid, and naive.
To say most things are one hundred percent correct, or incorrect,
you may as well say the sun is very definitely black, and the moon
is indeed made of cheese.
The lengths we'll go to set idiocy in stone, it's incomprehensible.
It's said that the definition of insanity is to repeat an action
over and over, and to expect a different outcome than the one you
get every single time.
I feel on some small level, it's written into our humanity to do
so with our beliefs, our thoughts on the way things "should be"
rather than the way they are.
We're in a state of constant deception, and it's no wonder why
we fight so much amongst ourselves.
Cookie cutter education, plastic wrapped religion, and mass produced
politicians are the way things are done.
We complain more about the way things are done than we complain about
the outcome, unless the outcome affects us directly. It's the simple
diagnosis of hypocritical intent that makes us so utterly unique.
Humanity is at the top of Earth's food chain, we are all Kings and Queens in
our own minds, completely narcissistic regardless of how we feel about ourselves.
My topic is being diluted.
The state of affairs is thus,
The internet is a reigning monster of the collaboration of stupidity.
Everyone has an opinion, and it's rarely correct - that's why it's an opinion.
These opinions are fed to us through our peers, our parents at birth, our
friends growing up, our teachers and counselors et cetera before we're ready
to form our own ideas.
Everything is premoulded, sculpted in another's image. Few of our thoughts
are original to us, no matter how much we wish to think so. I would be
delusional to think all the nonsensical garbage I cough up anywhere is
all from within myself.
We imprint, impress, and immortalize twisted conceptions of reality,
and what we want more than anything is for everyone to believe the same
things, for everyone to realize that they're wrong, and we're right.
It starts arguments on the playground, and wars in our "sophisticated" and
so very maturely grown up world.
And so we use the internet.
We spout bullshit we heard from someone that knows someone all over the place,
expecting instant gratification. Some of us are just wanting to start shit,
but many of us believe the garbage we let ourselves say.
I'll be honest, I look back and know for fact I've said some idiotic things,
and haven't proceeded to repeat them since.
But we hear a rumour about a rock star selling drugs to children, and even
if it's not true, we have societies built of white maternity attempting to
save their fradgile children from our worlds evils by exclaiming valiantly:
We bash on political figures, we idolize big strong Hollywood actors,
and we fear the evils overseas. We claim there is no evil at home.
We also claim everything at home is evil.
I suppose it depends on who you choose to listen to,
the Christian or the Anarchist.
Regardless, as always, I'm not sure where my thoughts are, I'm just letting
my fingers slap words around a bit.
Call this.. Typing until the irritated feeling you get when someone says
something blatantly stupid due to being misinformed, and doesn't have the
sense or decency to find out the facts before they start spouting shit
online.. Disappears.
Can't complain, kinda helped.
Have a very merry xmas.
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