the best beginning is a wonderful end. as resilience explodes, exhaling an infinite amount of burning pedals, and we find beauty crawling beneath the flesh in the ultimatum.
a turn for the melodramatic, I twist around for you. several assume this broken nature is their cause and mess, but won't realize it's not, nor could they possibly understand why.
so blinded, only the track stretches before them. and their track consists of me chasing after them.
reality is a bitter thing. I'm a lesser man, completely taken with the concept and practice of humanity. I fill myself full of memory's bitter negativity, and I leak spite and hatred unto everyone I ever cared for.
lungs collapse. fingers bleed.
you're naive, stupid, and annoying.
ignorant, arrogant, and demoralizing.
I hate you,
I hate you,
yet I have you.
and your soul isn't fit to be litter.